Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I always wonder how many people actually read my blog and if it’s even worth keeping one. I look at the small list of blogs I read and have posted on mine, and then look at some of my friends and families lists of blogs they read and it blows my mind! I love reading other peoples blogs and being able to keep connected through the internet. I get maybe one, two comments at the end of my entries (if I’m lucky), so I think only 1-2 people are actually reading… but I just learned that that is not the case. I have had 2-3 people that don’t even have blogs themselves tell me they read my blog semi regularly. It amazes me how great blogs are for keeping in touch. I love reading about pregnancies, new homes, ordinary life, etc. I mean how often do you get to catch up with friends and family? This way you are able to post what you’re doing and then anyone can comment and stay in touch. So for those of you that read my blog with out one of your own, THANKS for reading! You are always welcome to check in. I love finding out who is taking the time to read my little excerpts. And to all of those who have their own blogs, THANKS for reading and updating your blogs! I highly recommend blogging!!!


JoshandMegs said...

sometimes I feel the same way as you Desiree...I can be horrible at remembering to post a comment. when i am so busy i will quickly read and then tell myself to comment later and then of course I forget. i will try to get better.
how are you doing by the way?

Lisa said...

I love reading your blog and all the family's. Your a good wife! Keep taking good care of Brian and you'll have many happy years together. love ya

Jamie said...

I read it, I read it!