Sunday, August 24, 2008

Brace Face...

Well the time has come, and I had to get braces... AGAIN! I have had them on for a little under 3 months and I am dying! I hate these things! The pain is not the problem, it's the fact that I have to wear them and always worry about something being stuck in them. About six or seven years ago I had braces and only had to wear them for about 18 months, well that wasn't so bad because everyone I knew had them too. That is so not the case now. Everyone I know now has either already had them, or was blessed to never have them. I am hoping to only have them for about 9 months tops, however my orthodontist said I could have them between 9-12 months. I really hope it's sooner because I would hate to have them at Brian's college graduation in May. I don't want to look like his kid sister!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Oh, it can't be that bad. No one is calling you brace-face, are they? :) Actually, I'm considering joining the brace-face club myself. We'll see.