Saturday, March 29, 2008


So while I was at work yesterday, walking around my office, I noticed a happy pink box sitting on a little table. Now this was no ordinary pink box, it gets the pleasure of carrying some of the yummiest breakfast cuisine inside. So I walked over to the box, with my fingers crossed, hoping to find some yummy donuts and let me tell you… I did. Not only did I find some yummy treats I found the yummiest treat of all, the cinnamon sugar donut. It was beautiful! I didn’t want to take the whole donut because I am trying to practice self control, so I cut it in half and took one piece. When I got back to my desk I took the first bite and seriously I have NEVER tasted a donut that was this good! Well naturally I had to push all self control aside and go back and get the other half and yes, it too was delicious.

You know what’s the weirdest part about eating a donut? The memories that it brings out… Let me explain… When I eat a donut I remember… seminary, early morning church basketball games, Saturday mornings, and this one time that my cousin Karilyn and I went to Krispy Kremes for the first time with Aunt Lisa and between Kari and I ate a whole box of fresh ooey gooey yummy donuts! Which, might I add, we totally regretted later on that night… Ahh Good times. It’s amazing what memories, something as insignificant as, a donut can bring out.

1 comment:

Courtney N said...

Haha I love your memory of Krispy Kremes... My first experience there also happened to be with Aunt Lisa. I ate so much that night (dang that was a long time ago) and I don't think I have had them since!