Sunday, January 22, 2012

Have Patience to Perservere

MpThese last few weeks have been particularly rough for me.  My doctor said I could go into labor now and not have to worry about any complications with the babies.  This was huge for me because I finally felt like, ok let's get this show in the road.  Much to my own disappointment all of my contractions have slowed down if not stopped.  I thought for sure that these babes would have made their debut by now especially with all the preterm labor and bed rest I have been having. 

After much walking, squats, spicy food, etc. nothing is happening.  The hardest part for me is knowing that it could happen any moment and not knowing when.  If I knew a date then I could relax and just hang out until then... I have even tried pretending their was a date or using my actual due date as the date but it doesn't work. 

To add insult to injury, i threw my neck out yesterday so now my pain totals are even higher.  Today I decided to go to and watch some of the Mormon Messages.  One stood out to me particularly called Continue in Patience, if you have a sec I highly recommend watching it. It's a very sweet message.

"Gods promises are not always fulfilled as quickly or in the way we might hope. Patience means staying with something until the end, it means delaying immediate gratification for future blessings. "

I do not know why I have not had these babies yet, but I have faith that God is keeping them in for a reason and only he knows what's best.  I have so much to be thankful for and need to keep an eternal perspective that this is His plan and that I can endure a little longer until he is ready to let them enter this world. 

1 comment:

Allison said...

Hang in there! Praying for you!!