Thursday, December 22, 2011

Another day in the L&D...

Last night my mom, sister and brother Josh brought me warm fresh baked Oatmeal Chocolate chip cookies to the hospital. They were sooo good!!  Tiersha and Josh came to visit me also and got to hang out for a while.  It's so nice living so close to so many family members!  Tiersha was so great, she offered to stay with me at the hospital overnight because Brian had to work and she knows what it's like being alone in the hospital.  I think she might have caught a cold from my room because I keep it at arctic temperatures, so I've been told.  She had 3 heating blankets covering her and I used just a sheet.  It's amazing how warm you are when you are a human incubator.

Unfortunately the night didn't go so well.  I had long contractions, 5-6 minutes long.  They were also frequent and not subsiding.  The nurse came in around 3 AM with the thing I was dreading most, an IV.  I had been trying to consume as much water as possible to avoid this but no such luck.  This time my nurse numbed the area before she stuck me with the needle, she had to do it twice because the first vein hid the second she numbed it and she couldn't find it when she poked around.  This was not enough... at 3:30 she came back with another shot of Terbutaline.  This is a little tiny needle with a huge bite! It is so painful!  It also causes your heart rate to speed up and you to become anxious.  The last two times I had to take this it wasn't as noticeable because I was watching TV and talking with people.  This time it was night, the TV was off and I was the only one awake... it kind of made me freak out a little bit because I could feel my heart racing.

At about 7 AM the doctor came in to see me and check if I was dilating.  I wasn't.  Since I had such an eventful night of contractions he decided to keep me for one more night and re-evaluate in the morning.  So here I am, still in the hospital.  It actually hasn't been too bad though.  They switched me to oral medication that's supposed to be an organ relaxer and make the contractions stop.  So far it's working pretty well.  I haven't had as many long or strong contractions so hopefully I will be released tomorrow. I got my second shot of the steroids in my rear and it hurt more than the first one!  I have been told that I should only have oral medication from now on though so that is a relief.

Today I had two pleasant surprises.  My Grandma Connie and Papa Neilson came to visit me and then one of my mom's best friends,  Terri Hubbard and her daughters Melissa and Cheryl, came to visit and spent 3 hours chatting with me.  It was so nice to have visitors!  It definitely made the time fly by!

Not a completely bad day for me; I got to shower, which is interesting with an IV but SOO nice to get clean, have breakfast, lunch and dinner brought to me, visitors to keep me company and less contractions!  The only thing that could make it better is if this IV was out.  I kind of like not having to do much, it's hard getting up and taking care of myself at home.

I really appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers, it looks like they're working because the contractions are slowing and I might get to go home! Thank you so much!

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