the time I have been dreading... This past Tuesday I dropped off my husband at LAX and sent him on his way to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco Georgia for FOUR whole months. It has been 5 days and I have done everything I can to keep myself so busy that I don't have time in my day to think about it. Unfortunately, I am slapped into reality every night when I come home from work and every morning when I wake up to find that he is not there and will not be for a long time. What makes this worse is the sheer fact that I don't even know if or when I will be able to visit him. We had talked about me flying out there or him flying out here on a weekend but came to the horrible realization that it would be no cheap affair and would be for so short a visit.
How am I doing? I am ok. I am keeping busy. Yes, I do miss him, Yes, I know this is only going to get harder and Yes, I know it will go by fast. However, none of that keeps me warm at night, none of that is there for me when I get home and none of that is comforting to me; but you hear of these stories of husbands and fathers, wives and mothers going off to war and leaving families behind in constant fear of the unknown... not knowing what they are facing, not knowing how they are being treated, not knowing if they will be coming back home. I could never imagine saying goodbye to my Brian and thinking that that could potentially be the last time I could ever see him again. It is heart wrenching to me and I am deeply humbled by the many men and women that do it, leave their families to defend our nation and esentially sacrifice themselves for us and our freedoms. I could never imagine doing that, I have nothing to be sad about, I will see my husband again and it won't be for a short time before he is shipped back out, or because he got injured and sent home, it will be because he has graduated and is ready to start his career.
I am grateful for a husband who is so hardworking, so diligent in keeping the commandments, so focused in getting where he wants to be and not settling for what is easiest. I am so proud of him and excited for this new adventure he is beginning. I miss him already but I know this is where he is meant to be. I love him with all my heart and look forward to these weeks to fly by.
Meanwhile I have lots planned to keep me and my mind occupied. I have endless projects and I hope to blog about them as I complete them, but don't get your hopes up too much... I am terrible at blogging. :-)