Friday, April 29, 2011

Hello, my name is Desiree and I'm addicted to Facebook.  Ever since I got my iTouch I have not been able to put it down, Brian can confirm this as he tells me every day that I am addicted. Whether it's Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Solitaire or the like, it has taken hold of my life and created an addicted monster.  

A little while ago a friend of mine said goodbye to Facebook, not forever, but for a little while.  When I read that I was intrigued, could I go even a full day without my Facebook fix?  I am happy to report I can!  As of right now I haven't been on Facebook in six days!! I do realize how ridiculous this may seem but it's crazy how freeing it is.  I didn't quite understand my addiction of reading status's, checking out photos, looking up old friends until now... And for what? Knowing useless information? Now don't get me wrong, I still love that time sucker but for right this second we are taking a break. Who knows how long this will really last, but for right now I am having fun forcing myself to do other things with my time, it has been no easy feat by any means but I am certainly enjoying myself.  

Ha! Watch, after this I'll break this goofy streak and succumb to my addiction once again in the ever time wasting world of Facebook... Here's to self control! Cheers!


JoshandMegs said...

"freeing" is exactly how I felt after deactivating my account! even though I enjoy keeping in touch with friends, it felt like that was all I was doing sometimes, and there are definitely better things I can do with my time :)
Great job on your 6 days!!

Karilyn Carreon said...

You go girl! HAHA Well, take a look at some point to see my sweet little guy... is that temptation? I am bad!:)

Courtney N said...

Everything in moderation. There is nothing wrong with spending a little bit of time on facebook or blogger or whatever. Good luck with your experiment!