Sunday, December 16, 2007

Okay here we are...

I know, I know, I know... I am such a crowd follower sometimes... So this morning I woke up and decided to check out a couple of my friends blogs and realized that a lot of people actually have these things, like my cousins and Alan and Jamie, so I decided to jump on the band wagon and create one for us as well... so here goes...

First off... Brian and I have been adjusting to a recent Stake boundary change so now we are in the Laguna Niguel 1st ward that meets at.....1:30PM!!! Ahh! I was really hoping for 9:30 AM because we have been meeting at 1:00 PM for the past year! Anyways... last week we got called to be the Nursery Leaders over the youngest class, all close to 18 months... Brian and I spent our first Sunday with the children that same day and boy was it an experience! The leaders didn't call it "birth control" for nothing! Needless to say it will be a very informative calling... After last weeks fiasco of trying to learn all 13+ kids names and trying to figure out what it is that we are supposed to do in there, we are trying to be optimistic about the whole thing and are looking forward to getting to know our class...we'll keep you posted...

Update on Brian- Brian just finished with all of his finals this last week and he couldn't be more relieved. He can finally take a break from school and try to enjoy the holidays... well after work anyways... He is working for ECOLAB and thankfully, he works during the day, so we have a similar work and sleeping schedule now, where as before he was working nights and I hardly ever saw him.

Update on Me- This past week I was sent for a crazy spin at work, I was in charge of planning our Holiday party that took place on Thursday, December 13. I had a ton of fun doing it! I found amazing centerpieces, we booked an amazing restaurant called Bistango, and we had an amazing menu! Everything was going AMAZING so we thought... At 12:00 PM on the day of our party, our restaurant called to confirm our party for FRIDAY! They over booked our restaurant so at the LAST minute we had to decide to move our party over to their "sister" restaurant, or change them date for the following day. We decided to move our party to a restaurant called Kimera that was around the corner from our original location, thankfully! When I got there to set up we ran into a huge problem! We had planned on having 8 huge round tables and what we ended up with was a ton of rectangle tables and booths, so we had to improvise with coordinating our huge centerpieces. All in all though we had a very successful party. Everyone that came was extremely impressed and the rest of the night went very smoothly... well for them... Brian and I ended up staying only half and hour because my parents bought tickets for The Rockettes on that very night, so we had to high tail it to the Orange County Performing Arts Center to run in seconds before the curtain closed. We had a great time at the show, we thought the synchronized dancing was pretty impressive. Unfortunately for us, when the show ended our night was still in full swing... I was getting recognized for a"Star of the Year" award (aka. Employee of the year) back at the party, so we rushed back just in time to see everyone leaving... I was really bummed but found out that they will be doing the recognition at our next company meeting because the restaurant was so loud.

I really want to keep this updated but I make no promises! Until next time....


Jamie said...

Yeah! I've already added your link to my blog. Look forward to more posts!

Abby said...

Welcome!!! I love is so much fun! Can't wait for the posts.....Jeff is in nursery and I help it is crazy we have 30 kids right now!!! Congrats on the star of the year!!!

Ryan and Missy- said...

yeah!!! You're blogging. One more to read while I "work". :)