I just realized that it has been a whole month since my last post, it's not because I don't want to post, it's just that I haven't really had anything to post about so here is the readers digest version of what's going on with us.
Today Brian and I got called to serve in our new ward. Brian is now the 14 year old's Sunday school teacher and I am on the Enrichment committee.
We have had Bax for a month now and he still hasn't gained any weight! When we got him the shelter told us he was a Lab German Sheppard mix, but we knew right away that he wasn't. So for the past month we have racked our brains trying to figure out what he is... so far we either think he is a Pharaoh hound Lab mix or a Chihuahua Lab mix... I think he is pretty much done growing which is fine by me because he is the perfect size, not too big but not too small... :-) He is the worlds greatest pup. When we got him we learned he was potty trained, not aggressive, very loving and well behaved(for the most part). Hooray!
Brian is almost done with school, he will graduate in May! We are so excited! For now he is working very hard at both school and work, which he does full time. I am so excited for him, he has worked so hard and diligently over these last couple of years and deserves a break.
I am still working at Genpact Mortgage Services and loving it. Since I am in the mortgage industry I am no stranger to lay offs and fortunately have survived all that our company has had thus far. Thank heavens! I am learning a lot as my job duties grow each day. Right now I am the Office Manager, Team Coordinator, Payroll Supervisor, and will soon be in Accounts Payable. I am so thankfull for all the experience I am getting and feel so blessed to still have a job.
Well that's us in a nutshell, I hope to post more soon!