For the past few months we have been talking about extending our little family to three. We thought long and hard and decided that now would be a good time so, without further adieu we are proud to announce that we.....
Adopted a puppy!
We went to the Riverside Humane Society last Saturday to look a a couple dogs and we found a 4-5 month old Lab mix. He is perfect! Even though he is a puppy he is surprisingly mellow... when we are in the house he curls up in a little ball in his doggy bed and falls asleep, it is the cutest thing!
I never grew up with dogs so this is all new to me. When I think of dogs I think messy, dirty, slobbery, hairy, barky, jumpy, and the list goes on, so needless to say I was not a HUGE fan. I always thought they were cute but that was about it. Well Brian grew up with dogs and always wanted one when he got married, well I must admit his enthusiasm rubbed off on me and I started to want one. At our last place we rented our landlord didn't allow dogs and there really was not any room for one either so we just kept saying, "One day when we get a yard..." Well that day has come and we now have a yard, well... patio but it is bigger than our other patio... anyways... we looked and looked and looked and then we found our pup!
The hardest part about getting this pup is naming him! For some reason we just can't settle on anything... we thought we liked Baxter, he's the dog in one of Brian's favorite movies Anchor Man, but then today we started not liking it so much... it sounds like a bad word when you call it out loud... so now we are in the market for a new name... any suggestions? I will post pictures once I find our camera...