Monday, December 19, 2011

Too early!!!

This morning I had quite the scare. I went to bed around 10:30 and was feeling some minor cramping, I called Brian at work and told him that I was going to wait an hour and see if the cramps go away or progressively get worse before calling the doctor. I fell asleep around 11 but still had cramps. I woke up around 2:15AM and my cramps were significantly worse. Needless to say I called the on call doctor and she told me to check into Labor and Delivery. Luckily I wasn't in too much of a panic, I had my bag mostly packed, grabbed a few things just in case and then got dressed. We got to the Emergency Entrance to the hospital around 3:00 AM and I was admitted, hooked up to fetal monitors and an IV. I was having a lot of contractions so they gave me a shot of something to stop them. They also did a test to see the likely hood of me delivering in the next two weeks and luckily that was negative. After about two hours the contractions slowed down but the heart rates were a little concerning so they kept me until the doctor came in around 7:30AM. When he came in he said that the heart rates have gone up and that everything looks good. I am now on BED REST, at least until Wednesday when the doctor wants to see me and see how I am doing.
This was a very scary experience for me, I am ready for these babes to come, but it worries me that THEY might not be ready to come out. I'm not so much ready for delivery, I hate needles, hospitals and pain so I was very anxious being admitted knowing that I could potentially be delivering my babies early and if I did, they would very likely be going to the NICU. I am so happy that the contractions have subsided for now but a little bummed to have to be on bed rest. I'm not used to letting people help me or being dependent on those around me so this is definitely going to be a challenge.

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