Saturday, November 20, 2010

My First Puff Quilt!

A while back while checking out some of my favorite craft blogs I came across this amazing tutorial on Puff Quilts. Immediately I fell in love with the idea and seeing as it didn't look SUPER difficult I set out to make one. My adorable sister-in-law Claudia is pregnant with my niece Sofia so I thought it would be perfect to do it for her.This quilt was no easy feat but so worth the end result. Here are just a few pictures of it:

For some reason I am unable to hyperlink the website so you can check out the tutorial here:


JoshandMegs said...

aahhh!!! I saw that link you posted awhile back about these and LOVED IT!! I want to make one so much!
You did an awesome job! It looks adorable! Would you like to make me one? haha. jk.

Courtney N said...

It looks so warm and comfy!! Great job!

Karilyn Carreon said...

I love it... and want one....:) Seriously it is amazing! Way to go Des!